To: Mayor Steve Wilkerson, Chair Bedford County Board of Supervisors
Tell Bedford County Board of Supervisors to Make Forest A Safe Welcoming County for Everyone

Tell our board of supervisors to take action to not only protect immigrants, people of color, and the LBGT community, but to actively work to transform our county into one that welcomes people of all different races, religions, color, background, and sexual orientation.
Why is this important?
The rhetoric used by this administration is making many in our community fearful. FEARFUL! They fear deportation, they fear violence against them, they fear rejection by the community they call home.
We all benefit when everyone in our community feels valued. We are at greatest risk when people, or groups of people, feel persecuted, hated, alienated, disenfranchised, or powerless.
Here's one immigrant story: My father was a bracero. He suffered a lot. He was far from his family in Mexico but convinced a good religious man to build a home for his family and brought his family home to the United States. Years later, my mother cleaned others people’s homes and ironed other people’s clothes: neighbors’ homes and clothes, in a middle class neighborhood in a home my father purchased. I stand proud every day because of them. I am proud to be an immigrant.
Los Angeles
Unless you are Native American, we are all immigrants. And we are all vulnerable. Let us follow the teachings of Christianity and extend a hand to those among us who need one. For "whatever you did not do for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did not do for me" (Matthew 25:31-46).
We all benefit when everyone in our community feels valued. We are at greatest risk when people, or groups of people, feel persecuted, hated, alienated, disenfranchised, or powerless.
Here's one immigrant story: My father was a bracero. He suffered a lot. He was far from his family in Mexico but convinced a good religious man to build a home for his family and brought his family home to the United States. Years later, my mother cleaned others people’s homes and ironed other people’s clothes: neighbors’ homes and clothes, in a middle class neighborhood in a home my father purchased. I stand proud every day because of them. I am proud to be an immigrant.
Los Angeles
Unless you are Native American, we are all immigrants. And we are all vulnerable. Let us follow the teachings of Christianity and extend a hand to those among us who need one. For "whatever you did not do for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did not do for me" (Matthew 25:31-46).